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Full time and part time RVing costs can range so much, it can be hard to give an accurate number, but you can have a framework to start calculating your numbers. We are a full-time working couple with no kids or pets. See some links below for other RVers actual spends!

I’ll give a breakdown of what costs to consider as you plan, but I wanted to share real life numbers from us. Check out the link for a detailed dive into our spending.

Category Spent in January 2025 Spent in February 2025  Spent in March 2025
RV and vehicle costs $1,379.23 $0 $0
Repairs & maintenance $814.18 $0 $0
Camping costs $97.14 $0 $0
Groceries $459.60 $0 $0
Phone and internet $300.98 $0 $0
Fuel $99.41 $0 $0
RV miles driven 32.3 miles 0 miles 0 miles
Tolls $10 $0 $0
Memberships $45 $0 $0
Propane $51.56 $0 $0
Entertainment/fun/eating out $240.45 $0 $0
Travel $0 $0 $0
Life insurance $46.62 $0 $0
Health insurance $516.37 $0 $0
Various normal expenses $331.35 $0 $0
Total spent $4,391.89 $0 $0



Category Spent in January 2024 Spent in February 2024  Spent in March 2024
RV and vehicle costs $1,379 $1,379.23 $1,379.23
Repairs & maintenance $0 $0 $1553.95
Camping costs $80.40 $80.40 $95.40
Groceries $427 $386.47 $921.13
Phone and internet $291 $290.95 $290.95
Fuel $427 $105.62 $650.23
RV miles driven 122.2 miles 40.5 miles 1,389.6 miles
Tolls $35 $35 $50
Memberships  $0 $0 $170
Propane $0 $0 $54.04
Entertainment/fun/eating out $286 $516.55 $551.67
Travel $0 $0 $11.20
Life insurance $46.62 $46.62 $46.62
Health insurance $489 $488.82 $488.82
Various normal expenses $100 $94.90 $195.79
Total spent $3,875.40 $3,424.56 $6,459.03



Category Spent in April 2024 Spent in May 2024 Spent in June 2024
RV and vehicle costs $1,379.23 $1,379.23 $1,379.23
Repairs, maintenance & registration $225.62 $289.18 $115.11
Camping costs $283.04 $80.40 $80.40
Groceries $592 $541.26 $590.39
Phone and internet $290.87 $290.87 $296.69
Fuel $640.50 $354.47 $265.25
RV miles driven 1,382.6 miles 731.8 miles 436.4 miles
Memberships $55 $35 $145.00
Entertainment/fun/eating out $374.07 $380.06 $377.79
Travel $308.39 $0 $133.70
Life insurance $46.62 $46.62 $46.62
Vehicle insurance $0 $0 $1,157.66
Health insurance $488.82 $488.82 $488.82
Various normal expenses $24.70 $16.48 $178.90
Total spent $4,708.86 $3,976.71 $5,294.49



Category Spent in July 2024 Spent in August 2024 Spent in September 2024
RV and vehicle costs $1,379.23 $1,379.23 $1,379.23
Repairs, maintenance & registration $301.66 $0 $0
Camping costs $80.40 $109.40 $145.19
Groceries $563.76 $711.20 $688.61
Phone and internet $429.82 $282.65 $295.47
Fuel $198.16 $120.91 $510.99
RV miles driven 93.0 miles 79.8 miles 641.2 miles
Tolls $0 $0 $50
Memberships $40 $-10 $76.45
Entertainment/fun/eating out $254.92 $124.14 $449.99
Travel $0 $0 $0
Life insurance $46.62 $46.62 $0
Vehicle insurance $0 $552 $0
Health insurance $488.82 $488.82 $488.82
Various normal expenses $50.46 $97.06 $11.62
Total spent $3,833.85 $3,902.03 $4,142.99



Category Spent in
October 2024
Spent in November 2024 Spent in December 2024
RV and vehicle costs $1,379.23 $1,379.23 $1,379.23
Repairs, maintenance & registration $286.67 $287.21 $0
Camping costs $97.14 $97.14 $97.14
Groceries $512.49 $345.93 $605.48
Phone and internet $295.32 $300.43 $300.43
Fuel $340.96 $168.13 $233.68
RV miles driven 1,138.6 miles 30.6 miles 157 miles
Tolls $20 $0 $55
Memberships $178.50 $5 $5
Laundry $5 $0 $0
Entertainment/fun/eating out $836.73 $505.38 $342.49
Travel $0 $0 $0
Life insurance $46.62 $46.62 $46.62
Vehicle insurance $0 $0 $1,371.80
Health insurance $488.82 $488.82 $488.82
Various normal expenses $1.06 $0 $64.92
Total spent $4,488.54 $3,623.89 $4,990.61


Category Spent in January 2023 Spent in February 2023  Spent in March 2023
RV and vehicle costs $1,379 $1,379 $1,379
Camping costs $76.69 $76.69 $76.69
Groceries $591 $439 $534
Phone and internet $228 $228 $228
Fuel $420 $83 $198
RV miles driven 82 miles 46.5 miles 31 miles
Memberships & Tolls $60 $25 $0
Laundry $20 $0 $0
Entertainment/fun/eating out $371 $346 $562
Health insurance $404 $437 $437
Various normal expenses $112 $4 $0
Total spent $3,661.69 $3,097.69 $3,414.69



Category Spent in April 2023 Spent in May 2023  Spent in June 2023
RV and vehicle costs $1,379 $1,379 $1,379
Repairs, maintenance & registration $263 $0 $78
Camping costs $76.69 $76.69 $200.69
Groceries $465 $516 $589
Phone and internet $647 $306 $290
Fuel $262 $137 $263
RV miles driven 31 miles  44.3 miles  46.5 miles
Memberships & Tolls $40 $0 $45
Entertainment/fun/eating out $365 $616 $236
Health insurance $437 $437 $437
Various normal expenses $79 $157 $346
Total spent $4,013.69 $3,624.69 $3,863.69


Category Spent in July 2023 Spent in August 2023 Spent in September 2023 
RV and vehicle costs $1,379 $1,379 $1,379
Repairs, maintenance & registration $1,261 $0 $0
Camping costs $440.97 $358 $25
Groceries $916 $607 $551
Phone and internet $279 $284 $293
Fuel $337 $608 $619
RV miles driven 1016.1 miles 1031.7 miles 1421.8 miles
Memberships & Tolls $50 $25 $119
Entertainment/fun/eating out $349 $665 $325
Travel $0 $0 $177
Life insurance $0 $0 $47
Auto insurance $0 $0 $0
Health insurance $463 $437 $463
Various normal expenses $112 $69 $79
Total spent $5,586.97 $4,504 $4,277


Category Spent in October 2023  Spent in November 2023 Spent in December 2023 
RV and vehicle costs $1,379 $1,379 $1,379
Repairs, maintenance & registration $0 $0 $5
Camping costs $80.40 $80.40 $80.40
Groceries $619 $594 $704
Phone and internet $291 $290 $291
Fuel $290 $442 $30
RV miles driven 577.7 miles 690.2 miles 131 miles
Memberships & Tolls $153.50 $30 $35
Entertainment/fun/eating out $121 $687 $280
Travel $7 $0 $0
Life insurance $46 $47 $47
Auto insurance $0 $0 $963
Health insurance $437 $437 $437
Various normal expenses $0 $0 $67
Total spent $3,624.90 $4,186.40 $4,318.40


Category Spent in January 2022 Spent in February 2022  Spent in March 2022
RV and vehicle costs $1,380 $1,380 $1,910
Camping costs $6,110.46 $230.31 $260.31
Groceries $576 $747 $526
Phone and internet $292 $221 $226
Fuel $200 $157 $513
RV miles driven 160.1 miles 204.1 miles 714 miles
Memberships & Tolls $55 $45 $60
Entertainment/fun/eating out $756 $418 $343
Health insurance $778.29 $428 $425
Various normal expenses $698.54 $683 $0
Total spent $10,846.29 $4,309.31 $4,263.31

A few notes – I’m not including the costs of our businesses or our rental (previously our home).

Category Spent in April 2022 Spent in May 2022  Spent in June 2022
RV and vehicle costs $1,380 $1,380 $2,080
Camping costs $76 $76 $170.51
Groceries $504 $642 $728
Phone and internet $225 $226 $225
Fuel $199 $575 $660
RV miles driven 566 miles 477 miles 696.20 miles
Memberships & Tolls $50 $76 $0
Entertainment/fun/eating out $533 $670 $278
Health insurance $422 $419 $415
Various normal expenses $181 $46 $129
Total spent $3,590 $4,110 $4,685.51
Category Spent in July 2022 Spent in August 2022 Spent in September 2022
RV and vehicle costs $1,379 $2,211 $1,379
Camping costs $134 $76 $76
Groceries $465 $672 $598
Phone and internet $229 $229 $229
Fuel $158 $421 $100
RV miles driven 422.1 miles 626.9 miles 80.4 miles
Memberships & Tolls $30 $58.76 $172.87
Entertainment/fun/eating out $202 $464 $188
Health insurance $412 $409 $406
Various normal expenses $5 $313 $0
Total spent $3,014 $4,853.76 $3,148.87


Category Spent in October 2022. Spent in November 2022 Spent in December 2022.
RV and vehicle costs $1,379 $1,379 $1,379
Repairs, maintenance & registration $0 $229 $287
Camping costs $141.69 $76.79 $242.80
Groceries $536 $460 $375
Phone and internet $228 $228 $228
Fuel $650 $390 $325
RV miles driven 1414.6 miles 17.5 miles 55.9 miles
Memberships & Tolls $230 $20 $10
Entertainment/fun/eating out $561 $341 $181
Laundry $0 $0 $35
Propane $0 $0 $53.25
Health insurance $403 $400 $397
Various normal expenses $0 $194 $59
Total spent $4,218.69 $3,717.79 $3,572.05



Category Spent in January 2021 Spent in February 2021 Spent in March 2021
RV and vehicle costs $1,379.23 $1,379.23 $1,379.23
Camping costs $432.00 $1,013.00 $470.00
Groceries $661.17 $4525.71 $749.55
Phone and internet $318.10 $318.10 $376.65
Fuel $110.24 $120.63 $498.84
RV miles driven 209.8 miles 42.5 miles 1,313.2 miles
Tolls $10 $40 $80
Laundry $0 $0 $0
Entertainment/fun/eating out $394.47 $809.88 $703.51
Health insurance $0 $712.68 $712.68
Various normal expenses $75.99 $309.68 $663.52
Total spent $3,381.20 $5,228.91 $5,633.98



Category Spent in April 2021 Spent in May 2021  Spent in June 2021
RV and vehicle costs $1,379.23 $1,379.23 $1,935.60
Repairs, maintenance & registration $0 $0 $0
Camping costs $734.06 $1,770.75 $1,518.16
Groceries $737.22 $782.30 $599.57
Phone and internet $340.16 $340.16 $287.09
Fuel $478.47 $418.13 $512.16
RV miles driven 1,264.2 miles 1,069.9 miles 1,070.3 miles
Tolls $0 $40 $0
Entertainment/fun/eating out $1,110.02 $1,484.25 $1,334.61
Health insurance $712.68 $712.68 $712.68
Various normal expenses $91.81 $653.31 $147.12
Total spent $5,583.65 $7,580.81 $7,046.99


Category Spent in July 2021 Spent in August 2021 Spent in September 2021 
RV and vehicle costs $1,379.23 $1,897.23 $1,379.23
Repairs, maintenance & registration $0 $0 $0
Camping costs $722.68 $1,177.20 $165.82
Groceries $575.88 $446.91 $846.29
Phone and internet $232.04 $291.75 $291.63
Fuel $670.58 $397.86 $615.19
RV miles driven 1,823.80miles 831.9 miles 1,079.0 miles
Tolls $0 $49.95 $0
Entertainment/fun/eating out $402.70 $1,127.25 $1,700.86
Travel $0 $0 $0
Life insurance $0 $0 $0
Auto insurance $0 $0 $0
Health insurance $712.68 $712.68 $712.68
Various normal expenses $174.02 $314.91 $399.56
Total spent $4,869.81 $6,325.74 $6,159.57


Category Spent in October 2021  Spent in November 2021 Spent in December 2021 
RV and vehicle costs $1,379.23 $1,379 $1,380
Repairs, maintenance & registration $0 $0 $0
Camping costs $271.69 $241.13 $241.13
Groceries $441.42 $613 $833
Phone and internet $291.45 $291 $292
Fuel $1,081.05 $97 $123
RV miles driven 2,778.8miles 12.6 miles 99.2 miles
Memberships & Tolls $125 $30 $105.87
Entertainment/fun/eating out $521.91 $489 $608
Travel $0 $0 $0
Life insurance $0 $0 $0
Auto insurance $0 $0 $0
Health insurance $712.68 $712.68 $712.68
Various normal expenses $304.46 $411 $0
Total spent $5,128.89 $4,233.81 $4,295.68


Category Costs prior to full-time. Spent in November 2020.  Spent in December 2020.
RV and vehicle costs $11,279.23 $1,379.23 $1,379.23
Repairs, maintenance & registration $0 $0 $0
Camping costs $2,047.57 $1,786.27 $402
Groceries $0 $589.76 $529.03
Phone and internet $0 $263.59 $520.79
Fuel $0 $289.29 $150.89
RV miles driven 0 miles 1,328 miles 248 miles
Memberships & Tolls $317.95 $66.75 $100
Entertainment/fun/eating out $0 $1,564.15 $1,642
Laundry $0 $0 $0
Propane $0 $0 $0
Health insurance $0 $717.29 $1,429.97
Various normal expenses $0 $154.95 $234.26
Total spent $13,644.75 $6,811.28 $6,388.17


 RV and vehicle costs

You’ll have to pay for your RV purchase, this may include the full payment or a down payment and monthly payments. If you’re purchasing a new vehicle for your RV, whether as a tow or to do the towing, it will need to be accounted for.

You’ll have maintenance costs and initial costs.

Camping costs

You’ll have to pay to park your RV somewhere. This could be the costs to get yourself setup for boondocking or to stay at a campground. 


This can vary greatly based on where you are camping. But a good rule of thumb is that it will be about what you’re paying in a sticks and bricks or a little more. 

Phone and internet/hotspots

If you’re working full time in your RV, you’ll have to have a connectivity solution. Or if you just want access to stream. 


Whether you’re towing your RV or driving a motor home, you’ll have to pay for the fuel. 


Whether it’s Good Sam, KOA or Thousand Trails (or more), you’ll likely get a membership. I’m including tolls in this category. 

Entertainment/fun/eating out

Whether you’re full time RVing or a weekend warrior, you’ll want to plan to spend some on fun. This is why you’re pursuing this lifestyle, right? 

Health insurance

If you’re self-employed on the road, you’ll have to consider health insurance in your calculations.

Various normal expenses

This can be anything from new clothes, to gifts for friends and family, to the costs of running your business.

We have used RV Trip Wizard to plan every trip since we got on the road in November 2020. We love RV Life so much that we have partnered with them. If you’re looking for a planner for your RV trip, this is what we use!

RV LIFE Trip Wizard

The great thing about this and anything in life is that you have control over how much you spend and what you do. If you’re looking to cut back on costs, you can plan on staying in the campground during the week (saving on fuel and entertainment costs) and have fun on the weekends (which also gives you more time to work if you’re working from your RV). 

I want to be as transparent as I can be when sharing our experiences on the road. Every situation is different. A family of 6 has a different spend than us. Another couple with no kids has a different spend than us. We have gone through several versions of spending since we got on the road in November of 2020. We’ve accumulated credit card debt and we’ve paid credit cards down. We’ve stayed at RV parks that cost $76 a night and we’ve stayed at campgrounds covered in our Thousand Trails membership for $75 a month. I’ve spent at least one day a week at Disney World some weeks and I’ve stayed home and worked instead others. 

Take our experiences to help you plan for your family. Take ideas on ways to save or ways to splurge.

Did any of these numbers or categories surprise you? If you’re on the road, do these numbers sound right?

Other RVers expenses

There are so many ways to travel and so many family make ups, rig type and ways to live on the road, here are other RVers who share what they spent.


The Adventure Detour – family of three with pets in a fifth wheel. Lots of great info here too!

Open Roading – couple with pets in a fifth wheel. Kalyn’s spending posts are some of the cleanest and prettiest looking costs I’ve seen!

Wild RV Life –  couple with pets in a fifth wheel. They do a LOT of boondocking as well.

The Traveling Tiongsons – couple with pets in a travel trailer toy hauler. These guys have done all of the lower 48!


Living in Beauty – retired couple with pets in an Airstream. This is one THE best summary spending posts I’ve seen. They’ve been on the road since July 18, 2016 and have all of their stats on this link. Very helpful!

The Home That Roams – couple with pets in a travel trailer. They also share about boats as well!

Reset Your Journey – family of four in a travel trailer. Very detailed post!

Live Work Dream – couple with pets in a fifth wheel. Another one with detailed posts about budgeting and costs.

YouTube Channels

Our Road Less Traveled – Couple with pets in a fifth Wheel.

Class C Broads – Couple with FIVE dogs! in a Super C.

Happy Travels Life – Family of three with pets. – Travel trailer.

Sherise and Jess – Couple in a fifth wheel.



  1. What Does It Cost To Full Time RV? - April 2022 - Journey With The Gs - […] Full time RV costs can range so much, it can be hard to give an accurate number, but you…
  2. What Does It Cost To Full Time RV? – May 2022 - Journey With The Gs - […] Full time RV costs can range so much, it can be hard to give an accurate number, but you…

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